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From call management to artificial intelligence

Future-proof contact management strategies are developed and implemented in the context of specific business environments and KPIs. Strategy components and key services provided:

The professional implementation of customer service and sales management in day-to-day routines depends on a well-developed balance between human competences and high communication technologies such as artificial intelligence.

In this field, it is important to have high human competences, such as the ability to listen, understand customer needs and provide solutions. A contact centre is a place where contact service and sales professionals work using state-of-the-art technology to respond quickly and efficiently to customer enquiries.

We build trust

Creating lasting business value! Our goal is growth.

Complex contact management strategies

Sell today, don't stop growing tomorrow

The end-customer experience with your brand must be enjoyable, authentic, consistent and uninterrupted.To achieve this, Credo Partners follows a unique methodology of integrating traditional and digital channels. Your brand is one.

The standard package of contact centre services that we provide to our clients enables businesses to meet the needs of the present to protect the status quo and counter communication threats by fostering a constructive and quality relationship with their customers. However, while meeting today's business needs is our No. 1 priority, we go beyond that. Because Credo Partners' deep purpose is to help our partners face the future with confidence and seize new opportunities.

To help you gain new competitive advantages, sell more and grow faster, we develop and help you implement comprehensive contact management strategies. These strategies are focused on targeted and sustainable achievement of client KPIs and measurable return on investment, and are supported by state-of-the-art contact management technologies.



Kokybė ir efektyvumas, taip galiu apibūdinti mūsų bendradarbiavimą su Credo Partners. Dažnai susidurdavome su viršsraučiu ir nusprendėme ieškoti partnerių kurie galėtų padėti su juo efektyviau tvarkytis. Bendradarbiaujant su Credo šią problemą greitai išsprendėme, o kokybės rodikliai taip pat pakilo.

Laurynas (Telekomunikacijos)

Projektų vadovas

Dirbame su Credo jau antri metai ties pardavimų projektu ir jų suteiktos paslaugos pilnai užpildo mūsų poreikius. Kadangi mūsų siūloma paslauga yra pakankamai nišinė, esame sužavėti kaip greitai Credo sugebėjo įsisavinti svarbiausią informaciją ir taktikas, kad patraukti klientus.

Jūratė (Draudimas)

Verslo plėtros vadovė
Vytautas (E. prekyba)

Projekto vadovė nuo pat pirmos dienos rūpinosi mūsų projektu. Parodytas profesionalumas, noras padėti ir atsidavimas yra tai kas padėjo mums pasiekti gerų rezultatų. Nuolatos suteikdavo naujų pasiūlymų kaip galėtume pakelti vieną ar kitą rodiklį, greičiau išspręsti klientų klausimus ir padidinti pasitikėjimą mūsų įmone.

Vytautas (E. prekyba)

Rinkodaros vadovas
Your growth is our priority

Sell today, don't stop growing tomorrow

Let’s talk about customer service, sales or careers

Smiles are created with trust!


Credo Partners © 2024. All rights reserved.